Today I want to talk about steps to increase traffic to your website. You want to increase traffic right? But how do you do this easily? You write more compelling blog headlines. Here are some tips for doing just that. This post was inspired by “5 Easy ways To Increase Website Traffic” by Robert Mening. Here we go increasing website traffic free.
1. Make Lists
“10 ways to write more compelling headlines”
or “5 Easdy Ways to Imcrease Website Traffic”
2. Ask a Question
“Do you want to increase your website traffic?”
3. Curiosity
Arouse curiosity. “What are the 5 top reasons people don’t make money online?”
4. Create urgency
You have 5 days until X will happen
5. Use power words
317 Power Words Headline Hacks Cheat Sheet This source has a great list of power words that will instantly make you a better writer. Check this one out . I don’t have space or time to list all of them for you. These are by Jon Morrow of Smartblogger.
6. Make the value clear
Make the valuue clear when you right a title. “Here is the best $20 book you can get free.”
7.Use headline generators
Here is a list of some of the best headline generators:
Sumo Kickass Headline Generator
Inbound Now Blog Title Idea Generator
impact Blog Tittle Generator
CoSchedule Headline Analyzer
Portent Conent Idea Generator
SEO Pressor Blog Title Generator
Advanced Maketing institute Headline Analyzer
8. Use templates like these
How X Can Do X “How college students Can Make Money Fast”
How to Do X Even If (Obstacle) “How to Make Money Investing Even If You Don’t Have Much Money to Invest”
I have listed some of the easy ways to increase website traffic for free. I hope you find this helpful. I think researching and writing this has helped me focus on specific ways to increase website traffic without spending any money.
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