“Double Your Income Doing What You Love” by Raymond Aaron

This is a great book.  The title is “Double Youe Income Doing What You Love”. I like the way this author thinks.  He says that it is possible to double your income without suffering doing something you don’t like.

Your Special Talents Are The Key To Greater Income

By knowing your special talents you can change what you do each day.  You can spend more time doing what you love and less time doing everything else.  This is the special key to doubling your income.

Raymond writes about a friend of his who was a good salesman.  He really liked to close sales.  But he spent 80% of his setting up appointments and other things that he did not like. When the company changed his job so that he only closed sales his income skyrocketed. It went up 500%. He was so good he only had to work 6 hours a day.

That is five times the income in three quarters of the time.. Not bad.

“How Should I Spend My Day?”

This is the question you need ask yourself to make the most money possible.  When you spend time doing things that you don’t like you are limiting your  income. For one thing it makes you want to procrastinate. Right? You don,t feel  excitted about getting started. Getting started is half the battle right?

Narrow Your Focus to Live a Grander Life

Raymond the founder of Power Mentoring is telling you to focus more on the things you love the most.  Focus on just a few things and you will get more done   . And you will make more money!

To Enjoy More Do Less

To enjoy your life more you need to do less. That does not mean doing less work but doing fewer things. 

Raymond’s Special Talents

In his book he talks about his special talents that allow him to make more money. He makes more money even though he hires people to do the things he does like to do.

He only does three things in his work life.

1. He produces educational materials.

2. He teaches.

3. He helps others to be all they can be. He encourages and inspires and informs others.

Discover Your Special Talents

How do you discover your special talents?  It is not easy. But you only need to think about 4 things.

1.Think about your work and what brings you the greatest joy.

2. Think about what you always do first if you have an option.

3. Of the things you do at work what do you make the most money doing or what would you like to make the most money doing?

4. Think about what you are most skilled at or what you would like to become most skilled at.

To explain number 3 a little more. Maybe you are not making much or any money yet beause you have not done it very long or you have not built up your credentials yet.

For number 4 what would like to most skilled at doing.  Maybe you need to do it longer or you need to take more courses

That activity that fulfills all four of the requirements that is your first special talent. Write it down.  Even if it is not exactly rright you need to write down something.

Sacred Duty

It is your sacred duty to discover and use your special talents.  You need to find 2 to 5 special talents. If you do not use them then many people, maybe thousands will not be helped by you and the world is worse off because of it. Use your talents and the world is a little better off for it.

I hope this post helps you discover your special talents.  It will be worth the effort. I felt very good when I discovered mine a few years ago.

So discover your talents, use them  and watch your value and income soar!

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7 Incomes Plan

Most millionaires have income from several sources. The average number of sources is seven. Most retirees need more than one source just to keep their heads above water.

The 7 Incomes Plan.

My plan is to have 7 incomes. I reccommend you aim for 7 incomes also.

1. Your job. 

For most people this is the starting point for their income.  This comes first for almost everyone.

One important point is that Walmart is the largest employer for people over 65.

World wide they employ a total of 1.3 million people.

2. Your spouse’s job.

A spouse’s job gives you some diversification if you are not in the same compamy or in the same industry. Most women work outside the home these days.

3. Your investments. 

This is usually in a 401k or IRA. If you have over $100,000 you are doing well compared with most Americans. Look for my post on how much money Americans have at different ages.

4. Real Estate. 

One way to benefit from real estate without owning rental prperty is to PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE EARLY. You can do this by simply paying a little extra every month when you make your mortgage payment.  Paying 10% extra will make a big difference if you apply it to princple only. Check your bank statements to make sure about this.

If you have a financial calculator you can determine very nearly the EXACT DATE when you will have your mortgage paiid off. If you don’t have one you can estimate the magic date when you make the last payment.

5. Social Security

Social Security is not dead. Most retirees depend on Social Security for 40% of their income.  Many depend on it even more than that. I met a man who was 79 years old and was 100% dependent on SS. He had no other source of income at all.  He owned a farm so he could have leased some the land to make a little extra money. Keep an open mind. Be creative and you can add to your income.too.

6. Dividend Income. 

There are mutual funds that have stocks that pay dividends. You can get 2.5 to 3% dividend income regardless of wheher stocks go up or down.  This is a good choice for many who are near retirement.

There are people who get dividend income from investing in individual stocks. My sense is that most of them are wealthy already.

7. Side Business 

a. Writing for magazines. This can bring you some extra money. I made $36 for one article of 800 words many years ago. You won’t get rich, but it is a realistic way to make some money

b. Writing and producing booklets.  

This is really fun and if you keep your inventory low (like 20 ) you can make a profit almost immediately. Making a profit quickly is really important fto keeping  your spirits up.  Then  you don’t get discouraged.

c. Mail Order

PS Print has a post on how to start a mail order catalog business. They can help you get your printing done. I searched for “start a mail order catalog business”. I plan to offer a free mail order business opportunity.  Please let me know if you are interestted.

Another good business is to start a mailing business. You write the letters for others to mail.

d. Copywriting

This is a really good thing to learn.  You could do copywriting jobs for others or just for yourself.  Copywriters are some of the highest paid writers in the world.


This is a great way to make extra money.  It is NOT a get rich quick scheme though. You have to put in some work to get the rewards. Writing regularly is very important.

f. Affiliate Marketing

One of the best ways to make money with this is to write reviews of products. You are helping others find good products. In return you make a nice commission on each sale that you help make for the owners of the product or service.

I Challenge  You To Find Your Seven Incomes

This will change your whole mindset. Set that as a clear written goal.  This will focus your mind on something that can change your life. It will give you more financial security.

If you can please comment or ask a question. Thanks.

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Jaaxy Pricing


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I am in the process of learning more about Jaaxy and it’s pricing.  It is a keyword search tool.  Keywords are words that people use to search the internet for answers to their questions or problems. Keywords help you to do niche research also.

I just upgraded to the Pro level so I can get more from this world’s best keyworld tool.  I went for the yearly plan rather than monthly because it is cheaper that way I saved $29 that way too. There is nothing wrong with that.

By the way I have a special account that allows me to pay for a new computer or to add services that I need for this blog.  I did not even know I would need it when I started it. I just like to always have money. It allows me the freedom to do what I need to do.

Is there a free trial for Jaaxy?

Yes.  Any one can try out Jaaxy for free.  Just search for Jaaxy and it will pop up. You can try it as long as you want.

After you have tried it a while you may want to upgrade so you can do more searches.  You can also find things like your site rank.  This is one thing that attracted me to the Pro version. It will search for the first 10 pages in Google instead of just 1 page for your site rank for each keyword you enter.

The cost is only $19 per month or $199 per year for the Pro version . Pro is what most new websites use..

The Enterprise version is $49 per month.  It is also available for a year at $498

I just noticed that the pricing of Jaaxy is in a state of flux.  It is changing quickly.  I believe they are testing different prices to see what works the best, that is that makes the most money. The most recent price I have seen is $16.58  monthly for Pro and $41.58 for Enterprise.

So there is good news. The price went down in the last day or two. The bad news is that it could change again and maybe go up again. If you see a price you like take it and do not wait.  The old price may not come back. Or it could come back. We don’t know.

The new Jaaxy just started near the beginning of 2018 I believe. I did not use my computer for a couple of weeks at the end of February and the begining of March. I had issues with the old one.

Both paid versions allow an unlimited number of searches. The number of keywords in a search also goes up from the free trial version. The number of keyewords available in a search also goes up.

Allow yourself some time to try out Jaaxy.  Iam still learning about it. but I like what I see so far.

My conclusion is that Jaaxy is worth the money to upgrade, but you do not have to. If you cannot afford it right now Jaaxy lite will serve you well.

You can upgrade to Jaaxy Pro do so here.

Please tell others about this post. You can comment below. Thanks. I love to answer comments or questions.



Best books on passive income

Here is a short list of some of the best books on earning passive income. I did a simple search on Amazon.com.

1. Passive Income in 90 Days by Willam U. Pena. MBA $7.99 paperback.

2. Passive Income: 40 Ideas to Launch Your Online Business including blogging,ecommerce, dropshipping…by David J Green.

3. Passive Income: 25 Proven Business Models To Make Money Online From Home. by Mark Atwood.

4. Passive Income : 30 Strategies and Ideas to Start An Online Business and Acquiring Financial Freedom by Richard Gadson.

5. How to Make $100,000 Per Year in Passive Income and Travel the World by Chase Andrews.

6. AFFILIATE SYSTEM: 7 Steps to Build an Affiliate System in Just One Month and Earn $100 Daily From It by Lsa Casey.

7. How to Make Money Online: Learn How to Make Money from Home with my step-by-step plan to build a $5,000 a month passive income by Mike Omar.

8. Passive Income: 14 Ways to Make $5,000 a Month in Passive Income by Chad Tennant.

9. Passive Income: Stop Working-Start Living-Make Money While You Sleep by Ralph Waters.

10. Affiliate Marketing: Lauch a Six Figure Business with Clickbank Products, Affiliate Links, Amazon Affiliate Program and Internet… by Noah Grey

11. Affiliate Marketing: How to Make MoneyOnline and Build Your Own $100,000 Affiliate Marketing Online Business, Passive… by Anthony Parker

12. Affiliate Marketing: 2017 EDITION. Develop An Online Business Empire From Selling Other People’s Products by Adam Wolf.

On this webite I emphasize affilaite marketing as a good way t0 increase your income greatly.  It is a realistic and legitimate business. There is a lot to learn so I reccommend reading other books and sources besides my own blog. I wish you happy reading and much success.  I will do my best to help you.