Freelance Blog Writing

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I just discovered the world of freelance blog writing. You can hire a blog writing service to help you write more. Or you might try to work for a blog writing service if you have some experience.

I am interestedf in the possibility of having an experienced writer write some of my blogs. I am only writing a blog once a week since I am working full time . I only have an hour a day to spend on my blog. 

Freelance blog writing could help you rank higher in Google., since you can  have a greater frequency of publication.. This can ultimatle help you make more money. Higher ranking in Google will lead to more traffic. More traffic leads to more money from affiliate marketing.  You can make commissions when you review or recommend products related to the topic of your blog.

Or what if you already have a blog but you are not making momey yet. You could write for others on fiverr or connect with a  company like ContentDevelopmentPros.  They write many blog posts for others . When they write for you, you keep the rights to the blog that is wriitten. They are ghost written so no one needs to know.

Here are some of ithe mportant points about Content Development Pros.

The blogs are original

They use the keywords you want to use.

They use SEO to help your blog rank in Google.

The turnaround ttime is 3 days.

They are ghostwritten so you keep the rights to the blog.

There is no limit to the revisions allowed.

If you want they can put the blog on your website.

They say you can expect 0% mistakes. I assume this means in spelling or punctuation and the like.

The cost is as low as $11.95 per blog post.

You fill out a form where you request a free proposal.

I am so excited to learn about this company. I found another one where the cost was $150 a month for 1 to 10 blogs. That istoo much for me. But the first one is a possibility. I am not sure I will ever use it but I like knowing that it is there if I need it. 

Yes there is a telephone number you can call. There is also live chat so you can ask questions before you send in your free request proposal.

So there is nothing wrong with paying someone to do freelance blog writing for  some of your blog posts. One blogger I know about was writing 5 blogs a week for ten years. He finally decided to pay someone to write some of his blogs. He was having a hard time keeping up the pace. He trained them in how he did his blog. He also said it did not really cost him because one particular post paid off in thousands of a percent of what he paid. Paying some freelancer can be well worth it.

By the way he had ten million visitors in those ten years. His frquency of blogging had something to do with that amazing amount of traffic.

On the other hand some people do not want anyone else to write their blogs. They do very well without paying someone. It is up to you to decide what to do.  To pay or not to pay for freelance blog writing.that is the question.

If you have any comments or questions please comment below. If you like what you read here please use social media to let others know about it. Thanks.

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