” Making Money With Classified Ads” Book REVIEW

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           ” Making Money With Classified Ads” Book REVIEW

Introduction: This an important book for anyone who wants to sell books by mail.  It is also good for selling many other products by mail.  I have used the advice in this book and I have had good responses  to my ads.  The principles are the same for print or online classifieds.


Title: Making Money With Classified Ads


Author: Melvin Powers

Publisher: Wilshire Book Company

Edition: 2002

Pages: 240

Overall Rank:  93 out of 100

Who is this for?

Making Money With Classified Ads is for anyone who wants to make money by mail and is just starting out. It is for the beginner and more experienced people.

Table of Contents

 Includes: How to Get Started With Classified Ads, 

Finding a Money-Making Product,

How to Write Classified Ads,

Making Money with Multi-level programs

Two step classifieds can make you a millionaire like me

One-inch display ads

Full page Display ads can make you rich

Nuts and bolts of mailorder.

Melvin Powers Success Strategy

What to do if you are not successful right away

 Good and The Bad

Melvin Powers has 40 years experience selling many products by mail but his favorite is selling books.  He has sold million bestsellers such as Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell maltz, M.D., Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz,PhD., and Three Magic Words by U. S. Andersen.

Melvin Powers ran successful ads right away even though he had no marketing experience when he was 16 years old. So can you he says.

This is a well-wriitten book by a man with a lot of experience.  This is worth your time to read it. He can show you how to succeed almost immediately.

I have some experience placing classified ads and I believe this is a very good book that lives up to the promise in the title. You will make money if you follow the instructions and guidelines.

The are some research and study assignments to do.

.There are many examples of ads that worked. You can use these as models or idea starters.

Chapter 5 is full of gems.  He talks about lessons learned.

The bad

Not every classified is going to be a hit.  Reading this book like a novel is not going to help you succeed.

The Price

Price:$ 20.00 plus shipping and hanling. I paid $27.00 on Amazon from Half-Price Books.

My Final Opinion

My Final Opinion is that this is a very good book on how to make money with classified ads.  It is the most complete and is written by an expert.

The Verdict:

Legitimate classic.

At a Glance

Title: Making Money With Classied Ads

Author: Melvin Powers

Publisher: Melvin Powers Wilshire Book Co.

Overal rating: 93 out of 100

Available at:benefits page





2 thoughts on “” Making Money With Classified Ads” Book REVIEW”

  1. Hello Norman
    With computers, I would never have thought of picking up a book called “Making Money With Classified Ads” but what a fantastic idea to apply the ideas to the digital age. What do you think is the most important lesson for the digital age in the book?

    Thank you for the great idea

    1. Hello luba. The formula for classifieds is to offer a benefit first and then tell how you can receive that benefit. For example Make $2000 a month selling books with classifieds. Start small and grow BIG. Name, Address. In this example I put two benefits.
      Making money (a specific amount) and starting on a shoestring. This works in the digital age.
      Thank you so much for your comment. I am glad I could help.

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