Work Home Stuffing Envelopes

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So I will show you 10 simple steps to work home stuffing envelopes.  Many of the methods here I learned from Dan Kennedy and other authorities.


1. First you will CAREFULLY choose a mail order program that offers a dealership. This is twist #1. Be sure that your commission can be $80 to $100 or more.

Most stuffing envelopes programs make you pay for the envelopes, printing and postage. If you are going to pay for those three things anyway, you should choose a slightly different kind of program, You want one that pays a high commission like I mentioned before.



2. Next BUY the program with the dealership. It should offer at least 50% commission. It could be as high as 70% and more.

Now you are qualified to sell the program you bought. Make sure it is of good quality. That is good quality of printing and the literature etc. No faintly copied programs will do for your purposes. You want to make money right?


3. The mailing list is the most important part of the equation for making money. I have tried a few different mailing lists in my time observing and trying mail order programs. .

A good list is composed of buyers only. They have all bought a program similar to what you are selling. This is another important Twist. That is the second twist. Don’t let someone you don’t know choose the list for you. I will help you chose from a few different good sources. I have used all of these and I recommend them.

TJT Marketing Associates, P. O. Box 55685, Valencia, CA 91385 Toll free (877) 225-5858


Cash Flow Products, P. O. Box 18189, Fairfield, OH 45018 Tel: (513) 593-4126

I have made money with this list also.

Greald Peters, P. O. Box 8147, Huntsville, TX 77340 No phone orders accepted. Questions call 936-661-7786

He has a Gol;d List that is $99 for 300 leads. The quality is there.


4. Choose a high quality printer. Do not do it yourself. TWIST #3 is very important.. However, you are not going to print 1,000 copies like I did for one program. That ties up too much money in printing.. I paid for 1,000 small booklets. I had no chance of selling all of hem the way I was promoting. SAVE YOUR MONEY for only the bare necessities. You only need enough to TEST your product, your offer, and the mailing list. That couild be as few as 100. Right now I am going to test a mailing by mailing only 100 envelopes.

I am having 100 photocopies (TWIST #4) made for each of several pages (6 or 7) right now. This cuts my costs way down from trying to print 500 copies for each of 7 different pages.. My costs are slashed to about 20%to $0 of what they would be doing 3,500 pages of printing. Using mail order printers can save you about 50% on your costs. I am using a local printer.

You want to get as much value as you can in each envelope for under one ounce. Postage costs the same whether you have one sheet or four sheets in each envelope. So fill it up if you can afford the copying cost.

Copy back to back on colored paper.


5. Test 100 to 200 envelopes to start with. Do NOT do any mass mailings. Some programs want you to mail a minimum of 1000 to 3,000. Do NOT do this. It could lead to disaster. That is why you want to test small at first.

Testing is one of the secrets to great success in mailing and stuffing envelopes. Test everything. Then test some more. You can drop the things that don’t work. You can do more of the things that DO work. That way you are getting better and better.

Everything is just an experiment.



6. It is important to add something that nobody else has who is mailing the same thing. You cam write your own like I do. You can also find reports on the internet that you can inexpensively get to give to your readers..

You do this in order to give people a reason to buy from you rather than the other guy or gal.



7. Adding a personal note makes you feel like a real person and not a robot or a fictional person. Tell a little about yourself like your name and occupation. You can also say why what you are offering is of benefit to the reader. It will help them make money or whatever.



8. You should hand address your envelopes if this is your first mailing. After you have made a sale to the customer ,you can use mailing labels. But the first time you are looking for the letter from grandma look.



9. It is a good idea to use first class stamps. You are going for the letter from grandma look. Besides bulk rate mail does not always get delivered even. It is often slower even if it does get delivered.



10. You need to fold your letters or flyers in thirds. That way they fit well into a business size envelope. Remember to put the first class stamps onto your envelopes. You can use little address labels for your return address.



Now it is time to put your letters in the mail This is the time you have been waiting for. You will have to wait a few days to get your responses. It could thirty days before you receive all of the orders.

This is the fun part. Opening the envelopes to pull out cash, checks, and money orders. It is like Christmas every day. Wow!

It is time to get the reward for all uour hard work. It is not that hard. It is not physical labor like a migrant worker does in the fields.


Good luck to you. Enjoy the adventure and make money working at home stuffing envekopes.


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