Freelance Blog Writing

I just discovered the world of freelance blog writing. You can hire a blog writing service to help you write more. Or you might try to work for a blog writing service if you have some experience.

I am interestedf in the possibility of having an experienced writer write some of my blogs. I am only writing a blog once a week since I am working full time . I only have an hour a day to spend on my blog. 

Freelance blog writing could help you rank higher in Google., since you can  have a greater frequency of publication.. This can ultimatle help you make more money. Higher ranking in Google will lead to more traffic. More traffic leads to more money from affiliate marketing.  You can make commissions when you review or recommend products related to the topic of your blog.

Or what if you already have a blog but you are not making momey yet. You could write for others on fiverr or connect with a  company like ContentDevelopmentPros.  They write many blog posts for others . When they write for you, you keep the rights to the blog that is wriitten. They are ghost written so no one needs to know.

Here are some of ithe mportant points about Content Development Pros.

The blogs are original

They use the keywords you want to use.

They use SEO to help your blog rank in Google.

The turnaround ttime is 3 days.

They are ghostwritten so you keep the rights to the blog.

There is no limit to the revisions allowed.

If you want they can put the blog on your website.

They say you can expect 0% mistakes. I assume this means in spelling or punctuation and the like.

The cost is as low as $11.95 per blog post.

You fill out a form where you request a free proposal.

I am so excited to learn about this company. I found another one where the cost was $150 a month for 1 to 10 blogs. That istoo much for me. But the first one is a possibility. I am not sure I will ever use it but I like knowing that it is there if I need it. 

Yes there is a telephone number you can call. There is also live chat so you can ask questions before you send in your free request proposal.

So there is nothing wrong with paying someone to do freelance blog writing for  some of your blog posts. One blogger I know about was writing 5 blogs a week for ten years. He finally decided to pay someone to write some of his blogs. He was having a hard time keeping up the pace. He trained them in how he did his blog. He also said it did not really cost him because one particular post paid off in thousands of a percent of what he paid. Paying some freelancer can be well worth it.

By the way he had ten million visitors in those ten years. His frquency of blogging had something to do with that amazing amount of traffic.

On the other hand some people do not want anyone else to write their blogs. They do very well without paying someone. It is up to you to decide what to do.  To pay or not to pay for freelance blog writing.that is the question.

If you have any comments or questions please comment below. If you like what you read here please use social media to let others know about it. Thanks.

Online Proofreading Course

I discovered a great online proofreading course. It is called Proofread Anywhere. The website is

Online Proofreading Course Review

It is very complete and helpful. It not only gives you the skills to proofread like a pro, but al;so shows you how to get clients. This is the number 1 ranked proffreading website. The owner is Caitlin Pyle. She has over 10 years experience in proofreading.  She had to overcome some serious challenges. She created this course to make your own journey smoother than hers.

Do You Have What It Takes?

How do you know if you have the ability to be a proofreader? Would you like to make $17 an hour for general proffreading?

1. You need to love reading.  If you don’t love reading you will probably need to do something else.

2. Does it bother you when you see typos in a book or a magazines? If typos bother you, you probably have what it takes to be a successful proofreader.

3. Do misspelled words bother you when you see them online or in a book?

4. Do you dislike your long commute to work? Proofreading can be done from anywhere.

5. Are you fed up with the 9 to 5 routine? If you are then proofreading could be your answer.

What is Proofreading?

Proofreading is about reading texts to detect and mark errors to be corrected.

Proofreading is Not Editing

Editing is about making changes to texts not just detecting errors.  Proofreaders do not make changes to texts but look for errors in spelling or punctuation for example.

Much of this information came from the webinar on the proofreadanywhere website.

What Does a Proofreader Do?

1. A proofreader has to read the document.  This may sound obvious but… it requires s-l-o-w-i-n-g down so that you don’t miss anything.

2. A proofreader must find the errors. This may seem obvious too but therre is more to it than it appears.

3. You must Mark  the errors. You need to  use marks to show where the errors are and what is wrong.

4. You must return the document.  This means getting it back to the client not when you feel like it but when the clients needs it.

Is the Market Saturated?

No. In 2016 there were 75.6 million active blogs . There are also at least 890,524 books published globally in a year according to There is a new book published on Amazon every five minutes This means there is plenty of work for great proofreaders with real skills.

If you  are not willing to invest in your education then you will not succeed as a proofreader, But if you are there is plenty of work.

This is good work for people from college students to reirees. There are many proofreaders in these two groups and other groups for sure.

I think you will find the training offered to be very reasonable for what you get. Most others offer less for a lot more money. One website asks for $189 per year for a small portion of the course.

I would recommend proofreadanywhere to anyone who is serious about getting the skills needed to make money in this field.

Please feel free to comment on this post. I did a lot of work to finish this. i hope you like it. Any questions? I will answer as soon as possible.

Also feel free to mention this post on social media. Thanks in advance.

Blog Writing for Money (part 2)

Here is the second part of my post on blogging for money.  This is based om the Writer’s Digest article called “Alpha-Blog Soup”.by Gabriiela Pereira.  I am going to be talking about branding and developing and expading your following.

2. .What is Your Brand?

Many writers don’t want to thimk about branding because they feel like their creative writing is a product. But without a brand it will be hard to build an audience. You prbably already have one.   See what comes up when you Google yourself..

Since you already have a brand it is time to own it.  Honing your brand will strengthen the impression you leave with readers.  You want to put your best foot forward.

There are three parts to your brand. They are your name, image and voice.


For some writers your author name  and blog title will be a no-brainer.  But if you use a pseudonym or have a very long name you will have to give it some thought.

So choose a name and do a quick serarch to make sure it is not the name of major criminal. If someone is using you can add “autho”r or “books” to the domain make it unique.


This includes your graphics (logo. diagrams, infographics) and photography. A simple logo will do. No fancy logo necessary. You must include an author photo. Your blog visitors want to connect with a real person and a photo is the best way.


Your voice includes the tone of your posts and your presence (or lack of presence) on your blog. It includes how approachable you seem and how they feel when they visit your site. Your voice may evolve over time.

When you have as strong brand it makes it easier decide what content to share.

3. Content and Conversions

Content is everything you create. It includes   “books, articles, stories, essays, poems, videos,Fresh content podcasts and even social media posts.” Fresh content will draw readers back to your site,

Remember the research you did on your audience? Now ask yourself two questions.  What do ny readers want? Does my blog deliver what they want?

If you are writing content based on research you need to write in your area of expertise. But if you are writing romance fiction you could write about real life romances of you and your friends for example.

If you are a mystery writer you may want to offer puzzles to solve right along with your protagonist. If you write Shrerlock Holmes style mysteries you may want to offer logic puzzles or brain teasers.

For more examples and strategies you can download the cheat-sheet for this article at this link

The author of this article says you do not have to write every post yourself. You can be curator of great content. You can write your own original content and combine it with great content from the web.

Start out with one post per week.. You can ramp it up or tamp it down as needed.

Content only works if it converts— You want to turm fly-by-night visitors into fans and followers. So you need every post you write to do two things: “1. bring readers to your ste and 2. keep them coming back”

You can treat your blog like a magazine and have a calendar. You can plan your posts in advance and give them some structure.

Its quality not quantity that matters most. You want to incite readers to take action. Don’t be afraid to ask for action of some kind in every post. You can establish the rules for your world –your blog.  If they expect you ask for an action such as sharing a post etc. if will not be a shock when you promote your book.

Build Your Following

Now you “should understand your audience, have established your brand and developed a solid content strategy.”  Now you just need to keep on blogging and putting in the time. 

Some posts may resonate with your readers and others fall flat. Watch the results and make adjustments accordingly.

Nurture your reader relationship and you will be “lightyears ahead of the game when the time comes to promote your book.”

Please share this blog with your friends. Please feel free to comment on this post. I love to read comments. I will answer as soon as possible.

Blog Writing For Money

You can blog your way to an author platform before your book is done. I found an article in Writer’s Digest called “Alpha-Blog Soup”  It tells why you should consider blogging if you want to write a book. The advantage of blogging is that you will alredady have readership before you finish your book.  This is HUGE.  Agents and publishers love when you have a readership already. Blogging is for non-fiction and fiction writers.

ABCs of Blogging

First you need a solid base to start.  Most newbies (that included me) put out lots of content without thinking about their audience or their brand. This causes them to spin their wheels.

First You Need Your Audience

You want to create blog psts now. But if you don’t know who your audience is you will be wasting your time.  You need to know exactly who you are writing for.


First thing you nedd to do is to find a competitive title to the one you want to wrtite. This should be aimed at the same people you want to write for. Often people pick too big and general an audience like all Harry Potter fans or “women 18-74”. Instead ask yourself why the people you are targeting would be interested in reading your blog.. Ask yourself  what themes come across in my writing? What emotions do oes my writing bring out. What reasons would your audience want to read my writing? Figuring out why will help you understand who you are writing for.


You can now check the reviews of the “comp” title you have chosen. Pick one and look it up on Amazon or Goodreads.

Read the reviews of the title you have chosen.  Pick the 3 and 4 star reviews. 5 star reviews are too glowing.  1 and 2 star reviews have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. The ones in the middle will help you figure out who  your audience is  Pick a few reviews and look at them closely like you were in a lit class in college. Look for phrases that catch youe attention.


Click on the reviwers name and it will take you to their profile.  There is a wealth of information there. You will find demographic and psychographic information that will be a gold mine of insights. Look at their biography.  How do they talk about themselves as a reader, reviwer and as a person? What kinds of words and phrases do they use to describe themselves and the type of books they love? You may have to read between the lines a little to see what is there.



Look at other books reviewed by the same reviewer. That will lead you to other similar books. If the reviewer is a dead end you can go back to the original title . Look for the “cusomers who bought this also bought” phrase. This will lead you to other titles. You can follow up with the same type of research you have just. done. Continue collecting information about people who love books similar to yours .


It is easy to get sucked into the reasearch. You will know it it is time to stop when the same answers keep coming up. The magic number is probably seven or less.   So don’t keep going endlessly.

I am going to stop here and coninue with branding and content and developing your following in another post.

This is the best information I have seen on how to determine your audience. It is a bit of a process but it will save time in the end. You won’t be writing a bunch of unrelated posts.

Please comment on this post if you have a question or a comment. I will answer as soon as possible.



Turn Information Into Money

Turning  information into money is one of the best ways to make money..  We live in the information age. We have more information than ever before and it is hard to keep up with it.  If you have information that solves a problem you can turn it into money.

1. What information do you have that can be turned into cash? 

If you are no longer young you have learned how to do things.  Others would like to know how to do those things.

Maybe you have a problem now that you would like to solve. Rresearch it, study it, ask experts until you solve the problem and then you can sell that information. I am talking about selling booklets with solutions to problems.

To find a general subject that many are interested in you can go on Amazon and search for something like the “law of attraction.” There are over 4,000 books on this subject.  This is a good subject to write about.

2. Write your own “how to” booklet.

There are thousands of titles that begin with the words “how to”.  But I caution you that you should have actually done what you are writing about.  If you have never done it yourself you can use a different title.

By the way, I have actually made money with writing and selling information booklets. One of the first I wrote was called “$500 in 21 days”. It is a law of attraction title. I have used this technique several times and have received at least $4,000 total.

3. One of the biggest problems with publishing is solved.

One of biggest problems I found in the beginning was spending too much on inventory. I found a soltuion somewhere between publishing on demand and publishing 1000 copies or more that I will never be able to sell. I found a sweet spot in a compromise between the two extremes. My sweet spot is to publish 20 copies at a time.  I keep my costs near $3 per copy.  Then my breakeven point comes after selling only 10 copies or even less.

Whenever inventory gets to 4 or 5 copies I go to the printer to print 20 more copies. My costs are about $60 the first time and a lttle less for reprints. I was so happy when I found this solution. Compare this to printing 1,000 copies at $1.50. The total cost up front is $1500.

4. How can I sell my booklets?

I sold primarily by word of mouth.  I told people I knew about my books and some wanted to buy. It was more profitable than selling on Amazon for $2.99. I gave them a price of $6 or $7 and a money-back guarantee for printed booklets.

I learned that people who know you will buy more easily than a bunch of strangers online.

I want to sell some booklets by mail through newspapers or small business publications. The price will need to be higher. It needs to be $20 or more. That is the econonics of selling by mail.  The reason is that You need a sales letter to sell by mail.  You sell in two steps insteadf of one. Place a small classified ad first offering a FREE REPORT. Then send the reporrt which is a sales letter descibingl the benefits of your booklet. This is the best system I have found for selling by mail.

You could use direct mail and rent a list.  This is fast but more expensive.  Test everything with classifieds followed by a sales letter first.

Thiese are my favorite amd most successful ways of selling information. Please comment below if you like this post. Please ask any questions you may have.

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How to Write A Persuasive Letter

Some basic information can help you write a sales letter that makes money. You need a sales letter to follow up on your classified ads. You can use this information to write a good email also. Most of the princples are the same.

I have written at least four sales letters. They all made money.  I wrote down the contents of many successful letters to help get the the right ingredients into my brain.  This is good training for learning how to write successful sales letters.

We will cover the importance of headlines, and where to find headline models, The first parapraph is an important lead in to  the meat of your sales letter.  Sub headlines are also important to make your letter easy to read. You need a list of all the benefits of what you are offering. The difference between a benefit and a feature is significannt .


Headlines Attract Attention

Headlines attract the readers attention.  You only have less than 10 seconds to attract attention. If you don’t do it right away the reader will move on to something else. There is nothing more important than the headline.


Make a Big Promise

One way to get attention is to make a BIG PROMISE. Make money could be one type of promise. Lose weight could be another type of promise. Peolpe are always looking for ways to to do these two things. There are many other promises too.

Make a Specific Promise

A specific money making promise is “Make $2000 a month in 5 hours a week” Or on losing weight you could say “lose 10 pounds in the first 10 days”.

Tell a Story

Tell a story about how the great benefits came about. What did you do and what were the results?  I have only tried this one time, but the results were very good. People love to hear  stories from the time they are children. they remember stories better than a list of statistics for example.

One example of story telling was done for a letter about the Wall Street Journal. The story was about two men with similar backgrounds. One read the Wall Street Journal and the other did not read it. The one who read the Journal was much more successful than the one who did not read it. It was a very dramatic contrast.


Lead with Benefits Not Features

A benefit is something that the product or service will help you do. A feature is the number of pages in a book for example.A benefit could be making money or losing weight like I mentioned before. You should list all of the benefits of using your product or service. You could have dozen or more of them.


Prioritize your list of benefits

After lising all the benefits you can think of for your product, you need to list them in order of importance. The most important benefit should come first. The next most imporrtant should be second etc. Keep going down the list.


The AIDA formula

The AIDA formula is a very important part of writing a successful money-making sales letter. A stands for attention.. I stands for interest. D represents DESIRE.. And the second A stands fior ACTION.

So first get attention with an eyecatching headline. Then grab interest with a strong first sentence or paragraph. The next phase is to build desire with a powerful list of benefits. Last but not least is to ask for action. Have them fill out an order form or make a telephone call or do something.  Tell exactly what you would like the reader to do.


Satisfaction Guaranteed

You need to have a strong guarantee of satisfaction or money back.  This takes all the pressure off the buyer.  They know they will not be disappointed with their purchase or they will get their money back.


Call to Action

Here is where you ask for the order. Tell the reader exactly what you want them to do.  Be clear and precise. Fill out the order form below or call the following number etc.


The P. S. is always read

It is a good idea to have a P. S. or post script in every letter because people always read the P. S.  Here is where you can add a bonus and explain the offer in some detail.


Order form

One great copywriter Ted Nicholas told me to start writing with the order form because it should summarize the whole offer. It should tell exactly what the buyer will get and how much it will cost. It is a good idea to always add a bonus or two  to your offer.

Read and Study Successful Ads

Read and study successful ads to help internalize the elements of successful ads. You can find books with successful ads in them on amazon for example. Practice writing these out by hand.  This will help you to remember exactly what to do when you go to write your own ad.

Here You Have the Basics of Writing a Money-making Sales Letter.

Dan Kennedy says that you can a good sales letter from the information in a post like this or from his book The Ultimate Sales Letter. It does not have to be perfect to do the job. Good luck in your writing. You can build it piece by piece.


“Double Your Income Doing What You Love” by Raymond Aaron

This is a great book.  The title is “Double Youe Income Doing What You Love”. I like the way this author thinks.  He says that it is possible to double your income without suffering doing something you don’t like.

Your Special Talents Are The Key To Greater Income

By knowing your special talents you can change what you do each day.  You can spend more time doing what you love and less time doing everything else.  This is the special key to doubling your income.

Raymond writes about a friend of his who was a good salesman.  He really liked to close sales.  But he spent 80% of his setting up appointments and other things that he did not like. When the company changed his job so that he only closed sales his income skyrocketed. It went up 500%. He was so good he only had to work 6 hours a day.

That is five times the income in three quarters of the time.. Not bad.

“How Should I Spend My Day?”

This is the question you need ask yourself to make the most money possible.  When you spend time doing things that you don’t like you are limiting your  income. For one thing it makes you want to procrastinate. Right? You don,t feel  excitted about getting started. Getting started is half the battle right?

Narrow Your Focus to Live a Grander Life

Raymond the founder of Power Mentoring is telling you to focus more on the things you love the most.  Focus on just a few things and you will get more done   . And you will make more money!

To Enjoy More Do Less

To enjoy your life more you need to do less. That does not mean doing less work but doing fewer things. 

Raymond’s Special Talents

In his book he talks about his special talents that allow him to make more money. He makes more money even though he hires people to do the things he does like to do.

He only does three things in his work life.

1. He produces educational materials.

2. He teaches.

3. He helps others to be all they can be. He encourages and inspires and informs others.

Discover Your Special Talents

How do you discover your special talents?  It is not easy. But you only need to think about 4 things.

1.Think about your work and what brings you the greatest joy.

2. Think about what you always do first if you have an option.

3. Of the things you do at work what do you make the most money doing or what would you like to make the most money doing?

4. Think about what you are most skilled at or what you would like to become most skilled at.

To explain number 3 a little more. Maybe you are not making much or any money yet beause you have not done it very long or you have not built up your credentials yet.

For number 4 what would like to most skilled at doing.  Maybe you need to do it longer or you need to take more courses

That activity that fulfills all four of the requirements that is your first special talent. Write it down.  Even if it is not exactly rright you need to write down something.

Sacred Duty

It is your sacred duty to discover and use your special talents.  You need to find 2 to 5 special talents. If you do not use them then many people, maybe thousands will not be helped by you and the world is worse off because of it. Use your talents and the world is a little better off for it.

I hope this post helps you discover your special talents.  It will be worth the effort. I felt very good when I discovered mine a few years ago.

So discover your talents, use them  and watch your value and income soar!

Please leave a comment and I will respond.

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7 Incomes Plan

Most millionaires have income from several sources. The average number of sources is seven. Most retirees need more than one source just to keep their heads above water.

The 7 Incomes Plan.

My plan is to have 7 incomes. I reccommend you aim for 7 incomes also.

1. Your job. 

For most people this is the starting point for their income.  This comes first for almost everyone.

One important point is that Walmart is the largest employer for people over 65.

World wide they employ a total of 1.3 million people.

2. Your spouse’s job.

A spouse’s job gives you some diversification if you are not in the same compamy or in the same industry. Most women work outside the home these days.

3. Your investments. 

This is usually in a 401k or IRA. If you have over $100,000 you are doing well compared with most Americans. Look for my post on how much money Americans have at different ages.

4. Real Estate. 

One way to benefit from real estate without owning rental prperty is to PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE EARLY. You can do this by simply paying a little extra every month when you make your mortgage payment.  Paying 10% extra will make a big difference if you apply it to princple only. Check your bank statements to make sure about this.

If you have a financial calculator you can determine very nearly the EXACT DATE when you will have your mortgage paiid off. If you don’t have one you can estimate the magic date when you make the last payment.

5. Social Security

Social Security is not dead. Most retirees depend on Social Security for 40% of their income.  Many depend on it even more than that. I met a man who was 79 years old and was 100% dependent on SS. He had no other source of income at all.  He owned a farm so he could have leased some the land to make a little extra money. Keep an open mind. Be creative and you can add to your income.too.

6. Dividend Income. 

There are mutual funds that have stocks that pay dividends. You can get 2.5 to 3% dividend income regardless of wheher stocks go up or down.  This is a good choice for many who are near retirement.

There are people who get dividend income from investing in individual stocks. My sense is that most of them are wealthy already.

7. Side Business 

a. Writing for magazines. This can bring you some extra money. I made $36 for one article of 800 words many years ago. You won’t get rich, but it is a realistic way to make some money

b. Writing and producing booklets.  

This is really fun and if you keep your inventory low (like 20 ) you can make a profit almost immediately. Making a profit quickly is really important fto keeping  your spirits up.  Then  you don’t get discouraged.

c. Mail Order

PS Print has a post on how to start a mail order catalog business. They can help you get your printing done. I searched for “start a mail order catalog business”. I plan to offer a free mail order business opportunity.  Please let me know if you are interestted.

Another good business is to start a mailing business. You write the letters for others to mail.

d. Copywriting

This is a really good thing to learn.  You could do copywriting jobs for others or just for yourself.  Copywriters are some of the highest paid writers in the world.


This is a great way to make extra money.  It is NOT a get rich quick scheme though. You have to put in some work to get the rewards. Writing regularly is very important.

f. Affiliate Marketing

One of the best ways to make money with this is to write reviews of products. You are helping others find good products. In return you make a nice commission on each sale that you help make for the owners of the product or service.

I Challenge  You To Find Your Seven Incomes

This will change your whole mindset. Set that as a clear written goal.  This will focus your mind on something that can change your life. It will give you more financial security.

If you can please comment or ask a question. Thanks.

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Jaaxy Pricing


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I am in the process of learning more about Jaaxy and it’s pricing.  It is a keyword search tool.  Keywords are words that people use to search the internet for answers to their questions or problems. Keywords help you to do niche research also.

I just upgraded to the Pro level so I can get more from this world’s best keyworld tool.  I went for the yearly plan rather than monthly because it is cheaper that way I saved $29 that way too. There is nothing wrong with that.

By the way I have a special account that allows me to pay for a new computer or to add services that I need for this blog.  I did not even know I would need it when I started it. I just like to always have money. It allows me the freedom to do what I need to do.

Is there a free trial for Jaaxy?

Yes.  Any one can try out Jaaxy for free.  Just search for Jaaxy and it will pop up. You can try it as long as you want.

After you have tried it a while you may want to upgrade so you can do more searches.  You can also find things like your site rank.  This is one thing that attracted me to the Pro version. It will search for the first 10 pages in Google instead of just 1 page for your site rank for each keyword you enter.

The cost is only $19 per month or $199 per year for the Pro version . Pro is what most new websites use..

The Enterprise version is $49 per month.  It is also available for a year at $498

I just noticed that the pricing of Jaaxy is in a state of flux.  It is changing quickly.  I believe they are testing different prices to see what works the best, that is that makes the most money. The most recent price I have seen is $16.58  monthly for Pro and $41.58 for Enterprise.

So there is good news. The price went down in the last day or two. The bad news is that it could change again and maybe go up again. If you see a price you like take it and do not wait.  The old price may not come back. Or it could come back. We don’t know.

The new Jaaxy just started near the beginning of 2018 I believe. I did not use my computer for a couple of weeks at the end of February and the begining of March. I had issues with the old one.

Both paid versions allow an unlimited number of searches. The number of keywords in a search also goes up from the free trial version. The number of keyewords available in a search also goes up.

Allow yourself some time to try out Jaaxy.  Iam still learning about it. but I like what I see so far.

My conclusion is that Jaaxy is worth the money to upgrade, but you do not have to. If you cannot afford it right now Jaaxy lite will serve you well.

You can upgrade to Jaaxy Pro do so here.

Please tell others about this post. You can comment below. Thanks. I love to answer comments or questions.



Best books on passive income

Here is a short list of some of the best books on earning passive income. I did a simple search on

1. Passive Income in 90 Days by Willam U. Pena. MBA $7.99 paperback.

2. Passive Income: 40 Ideas to Launch Your Online Business including blogging,ecommerce, dropshipping…by David J Green.

3. Passive Income: 25 Proven Business Models To Make Money Online From Home. by Mark Atwood.

4. Passive Income : 30 Strategies and Ideas to Start An Online Business and Acquiring Financial Freedom by Richard Gadson.

5. How to Make $100,000 Per Year in Passive Income and Travel the World by Chase Andrews.

6. AFFILIATE SYSTEM: 7 Steps to Build an Affiliate System in Just One Month and Earn $100 Daily From It by Lsa Casey.

7. How to Make Money Online: Learn How to Make Money from Home with my step-by-step plan to build a $5,000 a month passive income by Mike Omar.

8. Passive Income: 14 Ways to Make $5,000 a Month in Passive Income by Chad Tennant.

9. Passive Income: Stop Working-Start Living-Make Money While You Sleep by Ralph Waters.

10. Affiliate Marketing: Lauch a Six Figure Business with Clickbank Products, Affiliate Links, Amazon Affiliate Program and Internet… by Noah Grey

11. Affiliate Marketing: How to Make MoneyOnline and Build Your Own $100,000 Affiliate Marketing Online Business, Passive… by Anthony Parker

12. Affiliate Marketing: 2017 EDITION. Develop An Online Business Empire From Selling Other People’s Products by Adam Wolf.

On this webite I emphasize affilaite marketing as a good way t0 increase your income greatly.  It is a realistic and legitimate business. There is a lot to learn so I reccommend reading other books and sources besides my own blog. I wish you happy reading and much success.  I will do my best to help you.